Welcome to my blog containing my first person account of the Liberation of Holland


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Remembering WW2

sneak attack on Pearl Harbor
When war broke loose, I didn't even think about joining. I've heard terrible things about WW1 from my brother who till this day, still haven't fully recovered from the war. All that stuff about for king and country.... I knew it was all nonsense. They tried sucking us in with propaganda just like they did 25 years ago in WW1. I knew better than to fall for all that absurdity. Besides, my studies are going very well as I plan on becoming a lawyer, and life was overall good. There was absolutely no reason for me to join the war.
But it was that day, where the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. My dad and brother worked in one of the battleships, in charge of doing daily inspections of the engine room. They were killed instantly when type 91 aerial torpedoes were fired at the battleship. Knowing that the Germans were allies with the Japanese, I joined solely to fuel my revenge. I wanted to get my hands on the Japanese, but I knew that the Germans would suffice. Many of my comrades say I was too rash with my decision to join the war. I'm still questioning myself till this day. What made you guys join the war?


  1. Well a lot of my friends joined the war because they thought it was for a good cause. They all wanted to have an adventure which was paid for since they would travel to battlefields but little did they know they might not even make it out of Hong Kong.

  2. As I said before, I was too rash when World War Two started. I ended up joining with my friends because I thought it was fun. Parachuting IS a fairly new invention after all, and being one the first to try out this new occupation was exciting for us.

  3. There was this one poster that persuaded me to risk all I got for my country...What was it again? It's at the tip of my tongue... Ahh - oh right, the poster said; 'UNITED WE ARE STRONG, UNITED WE WILL WIN'...This was the message that changed me, a message that took my life out on an adventure. I'm not sure if propaganda influenced any others, but whoever drew these posters did one heck of a good job.

  4. As for me, I joined the war because I thought it was going to be an exciting adventure for me and my buddies who joined with me.
